The Funny Truth

Anxiety in Relationships and The Problem with Kids in 2024

July 29, 2024 Adam Jay / Gatsby The Artist / Adam Black Season 1 Episode 18

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This episode's guest is comedian, Adam Black. Fresh off a broken engagement, we discuss the role anxiety plays in relationships and the problem with kids in 2024.

Adam tells the story about his one and only fight he ever got in, why raising kids in 2024 is EXTREMELY difficult and the general state of the world.

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There's only one fight that I ever actually got into and the guy goes, you need to get the hell out of here. I'm like, I live two doors out. I can't do that. There's a literally girl like cowering up over. This is crazy. It was just a weird scenario. And I go to put my arm on his shoulder and he yanks his arm back and I reflectively hold on and it rips his sleeve off. And I was like, and then I reached with my left hand, I'm like, dude, let's just walk out. We're good. But I can't walk away. Like, I don't know what's happening here. And then he pulls back that arm and it rips his other sleeve. And was like, f***. You're now rockin' with the funny truth Because it's better when I laugh The truth is more appealing when it put you on your ass Keep it real, I will make a slap with the will I feel like everybody got a cap And I'm finna reveal it through a joke The human is the way that I provoke It's the only way to get you to promote So here we go, we gettin' serious now It's the truth, but you know we gotta give you a smile You know we do that now stick around and we gon' make you laugh out loud stick around and we gon' make you laugh out loud you're now rockin' with the funny tru - I visited Austin because my buddy was graduating from law school. Went up over there, ended up hanging out with Anthony and he told me, like, I told you about when I got punched in the face, right? I was like, wait, what? So he's hanging outside of one of the comedy clubs up over there. This this old Indian homeless man walks up and he's like, and Anthony's eating just like a plate of food that he got or something from some spot. And the guy's like, let me get a bite of that. And Anthony's like, dude, stop. Like, no, like, and he's like, come on, want to leave me a bite or whatever. He's like, yo, chill out. And the guy just pops back and pops him in the face. And I was like, what'd you do? Beat this shit out of him. He's like, I was so stunned. I didn't do anything. I was like, you're a pussy. But then get away. Yeah, well, so then so then he that guy like leaves I guess untarnished But Anthony was hanging out with the body He used to be in the Coast Guard and one of his buddies is now apparently private security for Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah The guy also was in the Coast got out of it and I was doing private security for Mark Zuckerberg. I don't know if it's a permanent thing or if it's like maybe he was in town. He works for a security. I don't know what the deal was. And the guy's like, yo, fuck that guy. Let's go find them. So they did what you did. Really? these and shit. Yeah, exactly. They started going around or like the blocks, they found the guy and they walk up to him and the guy's like, man, I'm so sorry. Like dude, I'm fucked up. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry. And he's like, all right, man, this guy's obvious. He's got schizophrenia. He's high off his mind whatever so they walk away five minutes later the homeless guy walks up. It's like you're a fucking faggot bitch So his body grabs him just throws him up yolks him against the wall and then the guy goes Like leave because it's like a fucking crowd for me yeah, because you just beat up a homeless guy with no context The punch in the face not cool, but you don't call me a faggot So stupid I'm okay with violence, but yeah. Yeah. Have you ever gone in like legit fights? Like school yard fight and then yeah, like when I was a kid sure. Yeah. I did like sparring at the gyms, I never, I usually stayed away from fights. Yeah, yeah. best as possible. Well, that was, that was same with me. There's only, there's only one fight that I ever actually got into and it was when I was in Auburn. I had me and my buddy were at a place called Skybar up over there. We just played pool. We came back around like one, 1 30 AM. I lived, you know, a couple blocks down. So he drives up and I get out the car and immediately I hear a crashing sound and I see a door is open, two doors down from mine. And I live in like what used to basically be a motel and is now just like a shitty studio apartments for like college students. The rent was like 3 80 a month, like super cheap. Not bad. Yeah. It was great. The bang for the buck was great. Yeah. were like painted white cinder block walls. Yeah, could tell it was like literally cinder block. There's no drywall, nothing or whatever. so I hear that crash and my buddy's still like parked there. So I walk across his car and like go up over to the over to the room and and all I see is a silhouette of a dude with a girl in the back and I see a flipped coffee table. and i was like well that's not good so that doesn't yeah right is super weird super weird so i'd like look to the right i mean all the units are the same i see a light i flick it on i was like hey what's going on in here and and the guy goes you need to get the hell out of here. like I live two doors out I can't do that. There's a literally girl like fucking cowering up over here. This is crazy. I like I have no idea what's going on. I didn't expect any of this and and this is the the only fight I've ever gotten into because normally I'm like I don't have shit to prove but this is like okay I think this girl's in fucking danger right now. And so I was like, he's like, you need to get the hell out of your mind, you're gonna fuck business. I was like, well, I'm not gonna, I was like, dude, it looks like you're about to rape. So I can't do that, you know? And like, I basically share walls with her. So it would not be good sleep for me. And so I was like, hey man, let's go walk out. We're gonna close the door. It's all good, but I can't leave now. Like this is weird. This is very weird. I'm only like 21 or something like that too. It's just a weird scenario. And I go to put my arm on his shoulder and he yanks his arm back and I reflectively hold on and it rips his sleeve off. And I was like, fuck. Like, now I'm going to get into it. This is great. And I was like, my bad man. like from Nebraska or Yeah, it's just, you see the guy, it's not like he's like intimidating, but you're like, I don't want to get in a fight. This is going to be a, this is going to be a real fight. This happens, you know? And so I do that. He pulls back, rips his sleeve. And I was like, my bad, man. And he's like, get the fuck out of it. I'm like, dude, I can't leave. Like this is super fucking, there's a coffee table on the ground. And I was like, and then I reached with my left hand, I'm like, dude, let's just walk out. We're good. But I can't walk away like I don't know what's happening here And then he pulls back that arm and I reflexively and it rips his other fucking sleeve off and I was like fuck and then he just cocks back slings and I like duck I feel like the other sleeve ripping would would like help the situation. No way worse I was like first in my mind. I'm like what brand of t -shirt do you own? How shitty? Hulk brand? I was like how fucking shitty are your t -shirts and then he cocks back swings and he like starts And I just like cut it all happened super fucking quick because again. I've never even been in like a real fight You know And and he's like lunging I like kind of go down I like pick him up twist and like slam them onto the couch. That's to the side And somehow or another flips around and I take his back and like I don't like especially that time I didn't know anything about fighting or whatever but I kind of got him in like a body lock and I'm like holding him and the thing that I always remember is that I'm not joking about any of this. isn't embellished nothing. I put him into I don't even know if I got him in like a rear naked choke. It's almost like a full Nelson. Maybe I had my arm around him and he goes, what is this? Some fucking jujitsu. I'm like, dude, I don't fucking know what's happening right now, dude. Yeah, yeah, dude, I was just trying to prevent from getting hit in the face, much, because I was like, literally a minute and a half before, I was just going home to fall asleep. And I'm like holding on to him, he's like, fuck you, fuck you. I'm like, dude, stop, man. I don't want to be doing the shit I did. He's holding his bare arms. Yeah, basically. I got him in a lock that he can't get out of, basically. And he's struggling, struggling. And he's like, yo, fuck this. And I was like, look, man, I'll let go, but you're going to walk the fuck out of the house. And he's like, fuck this, whatever. But finally, I'm like, if I let go, you're going to walk? And I held it. I probably had it for, I don't know, it's only 30 seconds, but it felt like a long time. And he's like, fuck this, whatever. I was like, alright. I was like, it's just a terrible feeling because I'm like, I hope he doesn't turn around and just beat the shit out of me right now. And I let him go. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's like a gentleman's handshake. Like in the middle of a fight. like we're at a stalemate here. Yeah, that he doesn't just reengage. I let him go and he actually walks out. And during that, the girl like run into the bathroom. These are just studio apartments. So it's just a bathroom in the back, her room, and it's like living room, but nothing's partitioned off. And she's just like crying in there. I'm like, what the fuck just happened? I knock on the door and I'm like, hey, are you okay? I don't even know if I caused that. I don't know what is happening right now. I got zero idea. she's like, ooh. I was like, all right. I was like, look, I'm going to walk out of your apartment. I'm going to lock the door from the inside though. So I hope you're okay. I'm sorry if I just made that happen. I don't know what just happened. And so I walk up over, but I'm not like. juiced up on fucking adrenaline basically and and and i could wait like twenty minutes i don't hear any knocks or anything from other doors so i like okay well i go in and knock on the door and i was like hey i'm sorry like i don't know what just happened like got zero idea what just happened and she's like no no it's okay it's all good and was like are you safe are you okay like what happened she's like you know whatever So I go back and I fall asleep a few days later like I was just having like either a beer like a whiskey like right up on my little front porch. Yeah. And then she drives in with that guy. They were like dating or something like that. And I was like, yeah. And she stuck with him after that. And the guy walks up and he's like, Hey man, I'm sorry about that. And I was like, you're fine, dude. So what did, what did you learn from the whole situation? People make terrible dating choices, I guess. I don't know, it's the dumbest. Why would you stay with that shit? It's stupidest thing that I've ever heard. Mind your business. Yeah, guess. Yeah, but like it's literally 1 .30 in the morning and a guy flips a coffee table with the door open and the lights off. No, I mean, I respect that because I'm definitely, I I turn the other cheek. Me too. Yeah. I'm assuming the guy was just super drunk, but I mean, I mean, I don't know any guy that does that and isn't kind of an abusive asshole, but, Well, yeah, but I don't know. Sometimes they liked it or they don't like it, but they're fucked up. So they like it. Well, yeah. I mean, it's, like a guy that stays with a terrible girl or a girl that stays with a terrible guy. Like something in them. Yeah. 100 or it can be, yeah. Completely codependent where it's just shit across the board. Yeah. Yeah. But, But yeah, it's a weird thing. I've never understood that. Like, the older you get, the more you meet people that are in shit, shitty, shit -shit relationships. And they're just miserable, but they're too scared to do anything about it. And I've never gotten that. Where it's like, Like I broke off my engagement and it wasn't you broke it off. Yeah, I broke it off. No, but, it was, it was because she was just, it wasn't abusive or anything, but there was like no emotional stability, like at all, you have. Like we got in a fight one time. So we had a two floor little apartment townhouse, right? And, and I'd had like a glass or two of whiskey. was just like laying on the couch and I just wanted to finish an episode. She was going to sleep. She had to wake up a little bit earlier than me. And so, before she went to sleep, she was like, Hey, can you turn off the lights or whatever? I was like, no, for sure. But then I like fell asleep on the couch for like a second and I woke up and I was like, no, I don't want to do something to go up to bed. You know, I was just super tired and I was like half asleep. go, go to sleep. And I'd forgotten to turn off a lamp and she started like a four hour fight over how I didn't listen to her care about how she felt about it. I was like, it's a fucking lamp. I'm sorry Like it was it's like that kind of what did the lamp represent? Yeah, what is so much dude? It represented it represented her integrity And that was like one of like 50 examples and at a certain point I was like I don't want to spend the rest of my life like this and I did all the things where it's like it's never about the trivial thing It's always about like 30 different things that you ignored or didn't even know no She never made like communication never they never say they never say it at the time until it's like the straw that broke the camel's back Yeah, and then it's like why the fuck did you turn that lamp off? yeah, then it's like then they're gonna tell you about 30 other things that happened Yeah, yeah in the previous I paid no attention to dude and it was that was that was like what would happen and it was a very weird thing cuz like if I get an argument in relationship like I just want to resolve the relationship like I'm really not like the guy that's like I'm gonna win this shit or whatever I'm like, yeah, let me know how you're feeling and I can If I can understand that then I can say no hey I get you or or hey I totally get that this is where I was coming from just so you get where I'm coming from. That's just a logical perspective. Yeah, yeah, but like I genuinely care. So yeah, so it brings me back to the point of the trans women. one from your bumble. you mean the one that liked me on Bumble? That you were like I like it the way what? Shut the fuck up, You were literally like, I'd hit that and I got a girl. dude. Never. But I'm telling you, man, they're sneaky, dude. But they're also probably cool dudes in a lot of ways. And they're also probably hotter than most people's girlfriends. You seem like you spent some time thinking about it. Aw, dude. I'm still scarred from when I was a kid. watched Maury. And you know how every swatternade had the freak show? And one of the episodes they bring out like 25 models and they're like, is it a guy or a girl? And you can't tell. That was a very common thing. remember that. Dude, I was like, I feel like they're just trying to make guys feel like shit. No, dude. Once you, even if they're not, if you throw the idea out there, you'll start looking at their jawline a little bit differently. Normally you can tell like sometimes. Yeah. Like normally like, like I've, I've done all the dating apps over time and like you start swiping and you're like, yeah, definitely. Hmm trans or whatever but but do the one like this was literally arts people that watch real quick before they get ideas was was I was on Bumble and somebody had like liked me and I could see that they liked me and And like at first I was like, very attractive person and it looked I mean more like a woman than most women look like that's what I'm saying It was crazy and then but the first line is like I'm a trans woman and I was like, holy shit Like the surgeries have gotten good. They've gotten We didn't cure cancer, but they figured out how to make a man look like a woman better than most women look. It's insane. That's what I'm saying, bro. It's fucked up. Yeah, yeah. But then you're like, well, why is it fucked up? And you're like, I know it's wrong, but you can't pinpoint it. Yeah, well, it's just like, don't, I don't know if it's raw is it's like, it's just the thing that I can't get on board with. Right. All right. So this is, this is, I don't know, maybe I'll get in trouble with this. This is actually true though. But like with, with like, so guys that get like, like actually get the post -op surgery, they remove the penis. They, literally have to have continual practice and procedures because otherwise the surgically created vagina closes up like a wound would. Wow. That's not a joke. isn't also, this also isn't like some speculation. This is just medically speaking. It will close up as if it was a wound because you literally bored a hole into a body that has DNA saying that they should have a penis. needs to heal that. Yeah, because it views it as an injury. That's how fucking like, and... That's a rough life to live, dude. I don't know how anybody does that. Like, I mean, you gotta have some strong convictions to go through with it. You gotta really believe that. Like, yeah, that's why hats off to them. You know? Yeah, man. I look, I got no hate in it. I don't necessarily understand it, but like I got no hate for anybody that does whatever they do and it doesn't affect me. I think it's the biggest issue with people is like the forcing it upon or the ideas upon. Yeah, I don't like that. Not even old enough to jerk off yet. Yeah, yeah, like at least at least bust a nut once. Well, don't know. don't know if this I don't know if this can If this would transition or whatever, but I just saw this clip today and it it was Nickelodeon posted this. don't know. Will this get, yeah. So this is a clip that Nickelodeon post and it's, it's a, a drag queen doing a song or whatever about LGBTQ, but for Nickelodeon for like children. And from my side, I'm like, I don't care, like I don't think Nickelodeon should be teaching kids about sex, Dan Schneider. Like, is it fair to say that? Like maybe, maybe public, like children's channels probably shouldn't be talking about sex be the one at the forefront of sexual education. you seen recent photos of Amanda Bynes? Yeah. she's gone, dude. Jesus. That's not her. She looks trans. Have you seen Britney Spears since she got out of the parental control? Yeah, she's like dancing with knives and shit. Yeah, like like three days after she was posting topless photos of herself Yeah, like it was a dancing so weird. Yeah, not even like anything. No, it's like it's like there's you need meds Yeah, you know you might have needed to be in that conservative ship. So I don't know this Showing who you are on Is that the queer I like the ending. color! There's a white trans person being like, I'm black and brown. Trans of color! mean, that's amazing. It's wild though. That's like, dude, four year olds watch that. And it's like, I know if we need to be making a four year old question their identity because... Should that be on the parents though for like having that on? Yeah, yeah, but at the same, yes, 100%. Well, all right, so this is a good question. So I've met, now I'm 30, so I'm meeting a lot of people that are now parents and all this kind of stuff. And they're like, it's so tough because I got to keep the technology away and whatever. It's like, we had a computer as a kid. My parents just said you get 30 minutes or an hour on it and then you get out in the street and go play with the neighbor kids. Like that's it. It's not that hard. Yeah. When they talk about the iPad, With the iPad, put the fucking pad away. It's not, why are you letting your kid have unfettered access to the worldwide web? Like there's two hottest videos that they can find on Google. No problem. It's like, would you? Does anyone even need an iPad though? No, it doesn't serve any purpose. It really doesn't. It's just another screen to put in front of your face. I've heard of, my girlfriend was telling me about someone she knows, their kid's like five or six now and can't even talk because they've grown up on the iPad, they just grunt. We're getting stupid. So that ex of mine, used to nanny a kid. He's a sweet kid. raised with a single mom. and just didn't have enough parenting or discipline. And so like I would, I'd come over and I love the kid. Like me and him got along great, but like I, he was like six or something like that. And I was trying to get him to like learn how to use like a skateboard or do anything. And he was scared of fucking everything. And every time I would come up over to the house, he was on an iPad and it'd be like, Hey buddy, how you doing? Do it. Look over. buddy, what's going on? Wouldn't look over behind. Hey, how are you doing glued to just like Paw Patrol? I'm like you're six man like you shouldn't be still watching Paw Patrol at six like have you guys seen what what cartoons are like now? I've seen I was watching a video I think it was a tick -tock it was saying like Coco melon which is one that yeah little kids watch Look if you're two or three sure, but if you're like six seven eight nine ten like you should not be watching but no no no Coco Melon it's even worse I think the younger kids watching that Coco Melon they develop some form of autism from like all the all the lights and whatever whatever the The way that it's set up, man. I don't remember exactly what it was, but I read this whole paragraph on it. I don't know about that one specifically, but don't think any of it, none of it makes sense because us as kids, there was ranges. You kind of phased into different cartoons as you grew up. So you started with XYZ. I don't know, if you're like six or seven, it's like impossible. You know, whatever, and then it's like Teen Titans, and it just progressively grows. It had like a way of going about, because the really young ones were like educational based. Yes. Like, so you watch like Sesame Street and you'd be like, the cow, and you'd be like, whoa, Teen Titans. At least with the kid cartoons, they subtly hit the sexual innuendos. Now they're Yeah, well like back in the day, so it was always in there. right, so that's the difference though. No, so this is that's actually good fucking point back in the day all the kids cartoons all of them for whatever reason had some scandals where like the executive producer was like a pedophile you ever see clip now they just put it on screen like that's the difference now we're deciding hey check this shit out and it's like yo what the fuck yeah man yes ultimately it probably falls on parents for like, because obviously there's a market for this, but it also is like a bigger problem probably with society, right? Like you got so many people being single parents, not, you're so busy working, it's so hard to even just keep a roof over your head that like you need the iPad and you need all these other things to keep the kid distracted. No, I mean, I get it. It's not an easy setup. So I mean, that's, that's also another problem with it. But yeah, I mean, well, that's, that's the thing. Here's the thing about and people like that. You know how we've been in relationships, been engaged, you just don't feel like fucking tonight. They always seem like they're trying to fuck. You know what I mean? Predators? Yeah Yeah, well they're sexual demons. Adam's like, would love to get with the predator that just likes of age people. You never met a pedophile who's just like, I'm not into it tonight. No, yeah. I already jerked off. There's a Louis, or did you ever see the Louis joke where he's on SNL? mean, he's like, so he's on Saturday Night Live when it's like the most Saturday Night Live. Like this was like 2020, 2021. And he's making a joke about how like, he's like, they ruined their lives for it. So it's gotta be at least good for them. It's gotta be pretty good. They outweighed it and they're like, you know what? It is the worst thing that you could do. Like you can get chemical cash raided, you get completely shunned from all society. It's viewed as worse than murder and they still do it. Yeah, what's that joke you said you saw, you sent it to me too. It was like, when you get rich. You're like, finally, now I can do what I've always wanted. stand -up clip? Yeah, that stand -up clip. Jared from Subway and R. Kelly. He's like, finally. Now I can do what I really love. Yeah, when he gets access to the money. Yeah. Dude, I didn't realize, because I knew that Jared from Subway had obviously done some bad stuff. And I knew it was like child porn or whatever. Dude, they found thousands of hours. It was like a ridiculous and apparently there's like emails where you're sending it to the people and he's like Yeah, I couldn't get like two of these I want four of these I want this one with Asian I want this one. I'm like Jesus Christ. Well, I mean he was the spokesman for subway. He was building like a foot I Was I was a $5 a clip God have any fucking substance you got to sell Jared Jesus he only wanted half of it toasted he would have not of it does it is a deal when the fucking cold cuts up no cheese she's locked eyes it's disgusting and pedophiles did we have just yet well you my story about that last roommate i had He was like a convicted he like told me he was a year younger than me and shit turns out he was like a he's like 40 years old Wait for real. Yeah, the last guy live with. we're talk I guess we can't use names or whatever right now. No, no, no. Yeah, but he well I had got evicted so I was looking for somewhere to live. Yeah, I knew you were couch -shifting for a while, right? Yeah, my friend was like my friend's looking for someone and the dude was just like It was just it was what it was. Yeah, I was like fuck it. All right, and then It was just, I never really talked to him. He was my roommate, but I was like. And he was like, we have an agreement. You don't go in my room. I don't go in your room. I was like, Is he comedian? No. OK. No, dude. Yeah, he told me he was. Dude, that guy was going into your room. You didn't go into his, but he was going. know what's funny is when I told my mom that. When I told my mom that, she's like, well, you're not one of his targets, at least. I think he has a preference, but I think everybody's a predator's target. No, dude. The serial killers, man. They were. they'd be one of the ones who said they are back but it's true to tell you is that a red on the dingo for women that How many many mornings did you wake up and you're like I feel nothing I feel dirty Jesus why do I took a shower last night, but I need to take another It was a weird house though because no I moved in and it was I I don't have a lot of stuff I'm like if I move into a place I'll keep it clean, but this shit was so dirty. I never cleaned it was like, this is disgusting. Yeah, just here until I can leave Yeah, and then yes, so it was weird the first red flag was like a couple months in the doorbell rang and I like I was like, I'm not answering that. We don't answer doorbells anymore. And then it was like some police officer, like an investigator for like child sex, when I left his business card. And I was just like, well, that's not good. Yeah. I was like, well, that's weird. Well, this can't be me. Well, my guess is I just thought like, he must be going door to door. Like I really wasn't thinking about it. And then. And then it was weird because he told me his name, but then like when I was sending PayPal, cause you can't lie on PayPal what your name is or cash app. And I was like, I I'm thinking it's me being any like, I probably didn't listen. I swear this was his name though. And then, yeah, my home was like, bro, you got to get out of that house. Like showed me like dude is 40 years old. It was like, yeah, he's a weirdo man. But once, once that, once he told me, was like, there were, there were signs. I just never, I was not thinking about that. I wasn't like, yeah, totally. That's wild man. Yeah, so yeah, I just left. didn't even say a word. just packed my shit up. So I think that's what a lot of people get wrong. There's a small subset of people that are fucking psychos and they fuck with a lot of people. so it always makes me sad, but most girls that I've dated, at some point or another, they've had some terrible experience. I've lived in seven states now. I've met a lot of people that I'm I could definitely see your life going downhill. Like how many people have their head on really straight? Not that many, especially now. I don't, so this is not even, this isn't funny, but I've been thinking about it, especially since like getting out of like an engagement and all this kind of stuff. The biggest thing that I found is like, I felt like at a certain point, the person I was with, like wasn't conscious like anymore. It was all just reaction. It was like, like she'd live on TikTok, reality TV, like all, and it wasn't like that at the beginning. but she created like something, she struggled with anxiety and a lot of other kind of stuff. It was a tough thing to try to go through, but the more people I meet, the more I'm like. How many people do you know that are in relationships and you're like, dude, you guys are fighting all the time. Why can't you just at some point be like, Hey, this is actually how I feel. This is how I feel. Hey, well, I care and love about you. Let's figure this shit out. Do you know that anxiety is actually, actually healthy to have supposed to have anxiety? Yes, but, there is, there is damaging levels of anxiety, like people that can't handle it. is it because they've been offered solutions to get away from pain temporarily that now they're so accustomed to it, that that's what they feel needs to happen every time they feel some sort of ounce uncomfortability and it's yeah that's what leads to drug addiction yeah but but that's unhealthy then well yeah I mean like anxiety in itself is not bad anxiety is like an alert trying to say like hey I need to think about this but also the ability to confront anxiety super important because it's like everybody feels anxiety to some degree or another yeah but there's a huge business in masking it yeah and that's the yeah it's the you mean the pharmaceutical industry yeah yeah yeah dude just open up the fucking Yeah, you got this one and this one. I was kind of hoping you'd say this one too. Yeah, the easy way out. for Dude, the easy way out is always there for everything. But... dude, taking pills is fun. Getting into Gam Gam's medicine cabinet. Yeah. What's the most, what's the best pill that you've had? I don't know, probably vitamin C. Yeah, yeah. Probably fish oils. Yeah, a little vitamin B12. Ashwagandha. Yeah. I mean, I'm taking Tonkat Ali right now and it's working great. There you go. There's these things they sell at Fry's. Maybe they sell it at all Kroger's nationwide, but it's called Addy. It's usually at the front counter. Pretty good. It's like, it's always that like the, is that like the over the shelf Adderall thing? I feel like I've seen that at a Fry's recently. Yeah. It's like, I have a bottle of it over there. It's pretty good. You buy like the bottle? Does it work almost like Adderall? No. I thought it was supposed to be like an over the counter Adderall -ish. It's just like a bunch of caffeine and like mushroom extract. So kind of like, you know, they have the mushroom pills. It's like that. It's just stuff to keep you awake and alert. I take mushroom coffee. They're one of these sponsors rise cough mushroom coffee super good. Is it? it's kind of tastes like dirt, but like the effects of it Yeah, actually really like out of anything I've ever tried. That's not Pharmaceutical. Yeah, probably the best thing I've had nice. Okay. I've been doing I've been doing tonkat Ali I Watched Andrew Huberman and I've been lifting for like 10 years and I was plateauing for years Like I could not get past it and I started taking it and it's known to actually like naturally increased And it fucked it Unless it's a pure placebo, which could be it sure it it's worked like I've hit PRS on everything doing almost the same It's like I've worked a little bit harder Maybe yeah But the biggest thing is like like I'd get to the point to where like I couldn't normally get another wrap in I can get like one or two more or and like all the weights are like lifting up But it's it's just a root. That's it. It's just a ground root of like a long jack simple fixes for a lot of things. just like called it Chinese medicine. It's literally when I was like, like, cause I looked at like meta analysis on this. Cause I don't, I don't take anything normally. Like the only thing I would, I would take pre -workout before I went, which is mostly just caffeine. And, and, it's like been used in Eastern or Western medicine for the last, you know, Eastern, guess Eastern medicine. You don't, you don't think, you don't think God put everything here for a reason. It's like, yeah, this does this. This does this. any of the industries like that have been like started for noble cause like we're gonna find a cure for cancer AIDS it's like I always forget you're a devout Christian too but what if we didn't what if we didn't what find a cure find a cure yeah well there's a lot of things we don't have cures for well they are but like no yeah but no you think there's a cure for well I mean that we know of yet I think people have found it you think they have the cure for cancer and they're holding it back Yeah, think Dr. Sebi put out a book on... had a cure cancer is like all through things getting rid of like mucus and all that. Yeah. That was like the main point of it. Just kidding. Well, I get, get sinus problems. So maybe fucking pass that info. We were like, yeah, a lot of the meat that we consume. mean, I'm not an expert on this, but yeah, the meat we consume is just fucking terrible for you. But that's so weird. Cause whenever I have health advice, I always text you and I'm like, Hey, what should I do about this? Yeah, right. Everyone, everyone's quick. Everyone's quick to have health advice whenever they come across. So yeah, like, well, bro, you should be doing this. no, I mean, It wouldn't, dude from just a simple, I guess, observation of what else I've seen in the world, like everything else is monetized swayed away from what greed basically takes over in a sense of like, man, this cancer industry goes like three billion. Where's the money in just being like, here's this plant that you could grow in your house. Yeah, I'm going to guess. Yeah. I don't think there's any pure, I mean, think disease to a degree is like, it can be genetic. Well, did people in the 1600s die from cancer? Was that a thing? Yeah, I mean, they would. But most people died before that, though. Yeah, from a small cut in the hand. Yeah, like a fever. Yeah. No, it's such a good point because like this is this is like my thing like I've like I've I've dated some girls where they're like you're almost like Chris from like Parks and Recreation. know the guy. yeah. I'm so happy or whatever, which I don't think is like a good act, but I tend to be very positive, but I think I'm like a very positive realist or whatever where it's Whenever I'm down or I feel like I'm just focusing on bullshit all the time, I was somewhat fortunate in that I got to go to places deep in the Peruvian jungle or Columbia and stuff as a kid because my dad's a missionary. Sorry, pops for all the cursing. That's pretty much... I got to see all these spots where these people's lives are way different. You can take it to another level. I think it was what? In the late 1800s... 90 % of the world were serfs, which was borderline slaves. And we're like 120 years past that. And it's pretty fucking good in a lot of areas. Dude, if you have AC and a freezer, you've got more access to comfort than a fucking king did back in the day outside of like concubines or some shit like that. But, but like, like, I think one of the biggest things that we're missing, I think this is why a lot of people do with like anxiety, depression, all this kind of stuff is they're just benchmarking their life off of the people with the best lives in the world. so social media. Yeah. Yeah. Everything. But yeah. And so rather than, rather than looking at it as like, I have the best life that basically anybody's had in all of human history, which is true. go to a corner market and grab whatever food we want or do anything like that. You have access to all the fruits, all the vegetables, all the whatever the fuck you want. have weed in a pen right now. Yeah, exactly. Right now. Yeah. You're currently high. You couldn't do that back then. At all. A bad storm would come through and half your village would get fucked up. Or a drought. Yeah. There's a great bit by Donald Glover, Childish Gambino, when he actually did stand up. And the bit was like, I was talking to my dad and he's like, so sorry son, I gave birth to you at the worst time of the world and whatever." And he's like, no you didn't, it's the best it's ever been. He's like, because back in the day, your entire village could get plundered and raped. And people would be like, what do you expect? It's nighttime. That would happen dude. Yeah, yeah, exactly, that's it. That doesn't really happen. his own consciousness. God damn Socrates. Simeon Freud, civilization is discontent. Yeah. Boom. No, I think that part's true. That's going to wrap it up. have to get to House of Comedy for another gig, dude. Appreciate you coming on, man. Thanks for having me. Where can they find you on social media? On Instagram. I'm not Adam Black, but I am. But that's the handle. That's pretty much it. I don't really do a lot of other stuff. I'll put it in the show notes for everyone. But thanks for coming on, bro. And good luck with your move to Texas. I appreciate it, Papi. I'll see you soon.