The Funny Truth

Episode 14: The Power and Pitfalls of Knowledge with Fe'La iniko

June 14, 2024 Adam Jay / Gatsby The Artist / Fe'La iniko Season 1 Episode 14

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In this episode: "The Power and Pitfalls of Knowledge", I sit down with hip-hop artist Fe'La iniko. We get into his journey into music, his writing process, and the challenges of being an artist in the music industry. 

We explore the oversaturation of the music industry, the influence of record labels, and the perception of success as a whole in the industry. The conversation delves into the societal and psychological factors that contribute to the "divide and conquer" mentality, as well as the impact of religion and politics on culture. 

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Instagram, X, and YouTube: @felainiko

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episode's guest is hip -hop artist Fila Iniko. I met Fila when I was doing a comedy and hip -hop show in Mesa, Arizona and he was one of the hip -hop artists on the show and while I was doing my set he was sitting in the front and he had a injured leg with crutches and he was an easy target to pick on. I've been following him ever since and he's been following me and I can tell he's just a very interesting individual, very outspoken and Thought it'd be interesting to have him on and it definitely was. Please subscribe to the Funny Truth podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts and make sure you leave a review that lets me know what I can do to continue to make the show better. Hope you guys enjoy this episode. I'm Adam J and this is the Funny Truth podcast. That is the funny truth. Hip hop artists. When did you like start getting into it? You started in California, right? Yeah, where I was born, where I was raised. And what got you into it? Like I'm gonna do hip hop, I'm gonna do music. What was it? So what got me into music, of course, was being around it. You know what I'm saying? Like my moms and peers listening to certain artists, you know what I'm saying? Certain artists saying certain things. You just get exposed to certain things. And I wanted attention as a kid. Sure. So I wanted to figure out how to get that attention. And I saw that music got people's attention. And I happened to kind of naturally be moving towards music. And so it kind of just became a one thing after the other. You know what I mean? You get exposed to something, and you get interested in it, and then you follow it. Yeah. So I have my writing process for when I do comedy. What's a writing process like for someone in your shoes? Walk me through how that works. So everybody's writing process is different. It's really different. And even my writing process is different. I go through it different angles, different ways, but I try not to rush it. You know what I'm saying? I don't like to... rush the music. I mean, there's times where a certain song or certain something might be demanded and you might have to work accordingly. But I like to go through shit first. Yeah. You know, and then be able to create based on what I'm what I went through. So you want life events, really? You want it to be... Life events. You know what I'm saying? Like, I want to be authentic. I want to be authentic because a lot of artists... It's kind of like basketball. You know what I'm saying? Like, when you go into... When you first get into the league, it's about the getting the accolades and the MVP and scoring titles and so on and so forth. Once you get it... Different things mean different things. Then it becomes like... It's about a championship. It's about taking your time throughout the season. You know, resting, you know what I'm saying? Like certain things, you know what I'm saying? So as an artist, you know, at first it was always about like just writing, writing, writing, writing, writing all the time, every day, every day, every day. And then it just, you know, as you mature and evolve, it just becomes a thing where you're like, no, whatever it is that I write has to be of quality, well thought, well put, well put together. You know what I'm saying? It's just a... a real thought process. Sure. It's a little different with comedy and music, right? Because like comedy. You know, I started out very similar writing all the time. I still try and keep that habit, but don't do it as much as I used to because I got other shit to focus on now. But you go and you try it at like an open mic or somewhere and you have to test it because you think something's fucking hilarious and you go up there and you do it. You're like, why did I think that was funny, bro? I don't know. And then like something that you didn't think was that funny. But for some reason, you wrote it down. It crushes. You're like, go figure. And then you you work on polishing that or you you never throw stuff away. But. You know, you're always, I believe you should be writing so much that you're not stuck on one thing. I don't know if it's the same with what you do, but like music, you don't have to put it out to anybody until you feel like it's done. And then one thing I would say about music, because I have friends who've been hip hop, are hip hop artists or other music genres, and they... There's a bias that comes into when you like, hey, listen, this doesn't sound good. It's like if they're your friend, like, I feel like you want me to be more critical. Yeah. And then it's better to almost just put the music on in front of strangers or just they if they know you, they know you. But in front of people and just like here, if they like, if they don't say anything, it's probably OK if they're like, get that guy. What the fuck is this? Exactly. Turn that trash, that shit up. Yeah. Yeah. Turn it off. Yeah. Turn it off. Yeah. That's a trash. You know why I'm playing this. I'm playing this shit, man. Yeah, like when I did my I used to do a podcast like to myself, it was just like me and I would review books. I'd read it and I would do a full book review. and I used to drive Lyft and Uber and I would just put it on while people were in the car and they're like, have you read this book? I'm like, shh, yeah, no, is it good? Just to see what their feedback was on what I was saying. So I think that's the best way with music would be to test it, I guess, would be to put it in front of people who don't know who the musician is and not be like, hey, listen to this, is this good? Just put it on. Yeah, well. What's that like? What's that testing process like with like, when do you know like, okay, this is a song. It's tough man, because naturally as humans, people don't want to be rude. You know what I mean? People don't want to be messed up. So. I think they always go with the first instinct to be nice. Most people do. Yeah, because I see people that it's hard to get the critique that you do really need because you were just. Yeah. Well, I can go either way, too. I feel like because then you get people that are like, well, that's why I really want to tell them it's good. You know, well, for one, you're going to get a lot less people because the it's not it's not easy. Yeah. Doing what you do. You know, I'm saying it's not easy doing comedy. It's not easy acting. It's not easy doing music. It's not easy. It's easy to do. It's It's not easy to be good. Right, right, right, right, right. It's not easy to be good, so. Like my it's not easy to be smart. Yeah. So you're not going to find a lot of people that are smart. Yeah. So it's really it's just like music is hard to find people that are because even if you're around somebody, they might not give you the crit the professional critique that you actually need as to right. Why it doesn't sound good. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like they just don't. I just don't sound good. But you don't understand the. The you know i'm saying the details of the craft to really give me the critique that I need as far as why it doesn't sound I think yeah I think it's I think it's a little bit of both like you need the professional side like yeah You know like you know more about sound gaspy knows a lot more about sound engineering and things like that like You're hearing things that you don't know that it's there unless you really are in it But then there's also like the people who actually maybe buy music or listen like myself like i'm I don't know shit about music but like That's my critique to like any like my friend when he would put some music on I was like he's like, what do you think? I was like trying to be as honest as I could without I was like if you put this on or like if this came if I was on Spotify and this came up next I would have changed it immediately. Yeah, that was that's the best feedback. I could give them like yeah, I just been like next Yeah, the problem is the problem is people think it's easy sure. That's the problem. I think it's just so easy to just to just make music. I think with hip hop you would think that because you don't necessarily need to be a singer. You don't need great vocals necessarily or there's so much technology that you could. Audio engineer enough to make it sound good. No, it's still not It's still not easy to sure but that's a perception that I think that's the perception is it's easy to do music It's not easy to do music. It's really really difficult to do music Yeah, and people think that people are just popping up being famous like people don't understand like there's a lot of like like it's really difficult to make it it's like oversaturated right now to cuz everybody's kind of trying to do it. We talked about it. yeah, everybody, yeah, the fact that everybody's trying, the access is, what it is is the access to be able to do it is a lot easier. You know what I'm saying? Like back in the day, if you wanted to be an artist, you had to. It was really difficult to get to the studio. You got to put up some bread. Yeah. And it's just certain people you got to know. Like, is this too much? You just I'm just fucking I'm just going to play basketball. But now you could just recording, you know, in your room and your living room or wherever. So it's a lot. Made it easily accessible like you get mics, you know, like that you didn't have access to before. You can build your home studio. They have packages now, you know, Amazon that you can get. It makes me think of, you're seeing walk the line, the Johnny Cash movie. Yeah. When like, like he got to go to the studio and put up the money like, and all that versus now. Yeah. There's sound cloud. It's the same with any like comedy too. You can, or like being an author too. There's Amazon where you can just put a book out, whatever. It's so it's like a good thing in the sense that you everyone has access to it and you don't need to like Necessarily suck someone's dick or do some shit. You don't want to do you don't got it pulled. Yeah, you know got a poor P Diddy To get on where you need to get on but that also means it's very flooded and saturated with everybody trying to do this Yeah, man, that's yes. It's it's definitely over saturated and people just have people are just easily gullible. Sure, just believe in that. Well, dude, I mean, I like like believe in certain people make it into the industry by working hard. A lot of people have industry ties. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or a plant. Yeah, yeah. That's a cute face. Give her a writer. Yeah. You know, like, you know, like we can make the industry plenty of money. Yeah. More about what's marketable. for sure. About what's marketable. Like that lady who was on America's Got Talent, Britain's got Susan Boyle. I'm talking about. But it's not also. about just what's marketable. It's about what they've decided to make marketable and they've decided to make things marketable. that kill the masses and the majority. You know what I'm saying? The goal is, because if they want it, they can make some money off of healthy moral decisions. There are ways to make money off the opposite way of the way, you know what I'm saying, society makes money, but people wouldn't die that way, you know what I'm saying? And there would be more people successful that way. Well, yeah, definitely. creates this culture of alienation. I think I was just watching a comedian talk about this on his podcast where he's talking about like how rappers suck. Like they walk around with this like ones that would like be at his shows. Like they walk around with a shitty attitude and all they talk about, all they talk about is I make this amount of money. They're not like in the mood to joke around at all. They're just kind of uptight. A lot of the rappers suck. Yeah, a lot of rapper probably. dude, you can you can. That's not hard to tell, though, like when you listen to mainstream like I'm like you listen to what's on the radio. You're like, this is this is good. You know, I mean, but even what's on the radio is still good and marketable. Sure. It was put together like. Because people can sing along to it. Yeah, you know, there's little things like you can get lucky. You can get lucky with the with the with the with the song and a record like there's those things happen. Do you think do you think that's what happens to a lot of the one hit wonders is like they do have something that pops and then they see the side of the industry that you don't want to see and they're like, I'm good. It's not that they don't see it is they get they. They get shoved into it by contracts. Sure. yeah. The whole thing with Live Nation, the whole thing with Live Nation that's happening, the lawsuit with them. You know what I'm talking about? I was watching some TikTok or something about a musician where he's like he was signed by Live Nation and he's like. I have to like, yeah, it's a million dollars, but like they front you this amount of money and then you're not making any money off of all you're making money off of is ticket sales and like no, no concessions, nothing. He's like, I have to sell out every single venue I go to just to pay them back. And then, and then they'll do something like, flash sale, $10 tickets. And so now he's not even making the profit on his tickets. And but he's like tied into this contrary with him and like, you owe us money. So they can't even stop touring if they wanted to, because they have to. They got to make that they got to recoup. Yeah. And so they got a recoup. So Live Nation Ticketmasters basically have a monopoly on. ticket sales everywhere. So I think that's crazy. And so there's a huge lawsuit right now on them. And that's why now I think a lot of artists are going towards the independent route. No label because of those reasons. But a lot of people that don't know shit would just sign that and don't know labels want to pretty much. Yeah, well, sure. There's there's a lot of that. But the ones that are good enough or enough to where they're not going to read the country and they just want to be famous. They're not thinking about. All they see is a dollar sign, but they don't really know what it's gonna entail. And so, yeah. But they know which ones those are. They know the weak. They always know the weak ones. You know what I'm saying? They always make it... You ever watch... Excuse me. You ever watch, like, the Discovery Channel? You watch A Lion? when they attack like the herd of gazelles or the zebras and shit like that. It looks chaotic. It looked like shit ain't organized. Yeah, they're picking. Look like it's just they're picking the one that they already know which one. I'm not for one. I'm not going to waste my time. on a strong fucking gazelle. Yeah. Yeah. There's a chance. If I don't get them, I probably won't eat for like a week or something. And so I'm not that's the music labels. That's the rest of record labels. They know who's who is weak. You don't have experience if you don't if you're young. yeah. That's a major one. You're young. I know you're going to develop vices that's going to get you in trouble. That's going to put you in bad situations. It's going to fuck your contract up. But we made all the money that we needed and they owe me out of you. Yeah, we own the music. That's that's what they're talking about. And we thought you on the show. We don't want you to put nothing else out. That's what they're talking about with all the SoundCloud rappers at one point when they're all dying. You know, they're like. They set it up that way. They picked the ones that they knew were involved in street activity. They're like, we got the single out of you already. We got your catalog. It's like, if you die, there's no, that ain't on us. It's no coincidence that record labels have stakes in private prisons. it's not a, it's not a coincidence. You've seen that video, right? Or the crazy, crazy bones talking about that. crazy bone from bone thugs. He was talking about. He says, great interview. I don't know what radio is on or who is interviewing him, but it's like old, but he was talking about when hip hop was on the rise. They had this like secret meeting almost like how they did for the federal reserve Jekyll Island type meeting. And they had all the hip hop people in there. And he's like, there was all these other people there that like nobody had ever seen before. And before the meeting, they handed out an NDA to everybody. And they're like, you know, before... before anything, need to make sure that this is signed. And if you don't like it, you can leave. And like only a couple people left, but everyone else signed it. And it was basically like, you know, congratulations on, you know, hip hop music and what you guys have done to pioneer this, blah, blah. What your labels have done is invested in the private prison system. And we're going to use your music to fuel like influence to help fill up those, those prisons. And there was like, what the fuck? But you can see it now with the music that's out now. It's like, it does, there's nothing that promotes. I don't. It's a I think it's a mixture of agenda and just smart business. Business moves on their end. Yeah. You know, like how like like like people have this thing in their mind that crack was put into our community so that it can disadvantage the people in the community. And in reality, the community was just a smart move to sell the crack. Like, you know, if I'm going to sell, if I'm going to say, you know what I'm saying? For one, we didn't even we're the ones that the community is the one that created the crack. So you say it wasn't as multilayered as people thought it was. I don't know. Yeah, it just made sense. It's just it's just moves that make sense. Yeah. Like the people who who buy this. Because again, like I said, like, well, the community has created the chemical crack. rock version of it. You understand, like just some smart motherfuckers cooked up some shit, found another way to make it cheaper to be able to make money off of it. You know what I mean? So it wasn't like the government created crack. It was just, it was just, they saw crack and they're like, wow, we can make money. The government was trying to, the government was trying to keep Russia from taking over Nicaragua and they had to do that by letting the Nicaraguan, allowing the Nicaraguans to sell drugs into. the country, you know what I'm saying? And the only place to sell drugs to is where? The poor class communities that buy it because they're trying to escape the poor reality that they live in. You know what I mean? yeah, I think that's with almost any business. People think that it's all this evil stuff, but a lot of it's just business and then it leads to... It's business from the evil that laid the foundation. You know what I'm saying? You create a foundation where... Big business gets you somewhere. So it's gonna screw you, but when you are one of the big business people, it's in your benefit now. You know what I'm saying? When you get to a certain level of money, it's just like, the evil just comes with it. Yeah, it's - Like you don't make millions of dollars doing good deeds. People, it's unnecessary to have a billion dollars. It's so unnecessary to have. So yeah, that's an evil amount of money to have. For what? You all the things that you want to do in your life, you can still do and you still won't need a billion dollars. Exactly. It's all just greed. That's all it is. Everything is ran on greed. You can still order everything you want off the menu, you know, at like a million dollars. But you still want to have a billion dollars. So what? The future you can... Yeah, I don't guess that's crazy though. It's a society that people created in an America and then and then big business puts it out there Yeah, yeah chase. dude. It's really interesting like when you go to like watch you want to watch the boring version of it So my favorite documentary ever called the century of the self you're seeing that one. No, it's it's Sigmund Freud's nephew he basically like takes all his teachings from his uncle and like implements them into 1900s America on like how to They basically learn like all people are these deep down, you know, we're civilized, but we're really these like aggressive sexual creatures that we're only we're only in a civilization so we can survive like for our safety but we still have these deep down like urges and desires and like how do we pull those out of people and they use that they're like first it was for war like using propaganda for war and they're like how do we do it for peacetime and so if he just like figured out how to trigger people's needs like you don't buy something because you need it you buy something because you want to have it or like the origins of propaganda basically. Yeah and he says it he's like we couldn't call it propaganda because the Nazis took that so we called it public relations. And so you see how shit's set up like you know like dumb shit too like you don't drive a stick you must be a female like just dumb shit like that. That makes no sense. Dumb stigmas. Yeah but these are the stigmas that built our culture, you know what I'm saying? And our values. A lot of like buying consumer goods is really targeted at women. But so guys are going to change what they need to do to get these women. And so you see why in rap music, too, it's all about the all about the shit that's. Not important driving a foreign, having all these name brand stuff that's not an asset, it's a liability. Yeah. And you know, I think that's why I think a lot of people like Nipsey Hussle, I didn't even really start listening to his music until after he died, but I knew people who really liked him. Yeah. Same, same here. But I respected him. I respected who he was as a person. Yeah. He made a reputation for being a real, a real dude. Well, yeah, he was spitting out the knowledge that you're like, One of my teammates in college was, he said one of the funniest things to me, but I was like, I really like, it really stuck with me. He's like, bro, white people put all their information in books. I was like, so Nibzey Hussle was really putting out that information that like you would read in like these wealth books and shit. Cause I'm watching videos of him now. I'm like, he's talking about real estate. He's talking about compound interest. He's talking about all these things that, you know, anybody who wants to get into wealth would know and talk about. And unfortunately, yeah, he was killed. It always seems like, especially in a black community, anybody who comes out with this message that's a little bit different, they always seem to end up dead. Well, we we live in a community, an environment, a society where that risk is very high. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like the system. Developed our mind. So though you're making these these activism steps. Yeah, you're still subject to the to the to the parts of your mindset that the system developed. So you're still in a game banging environment. You're still associating yourself with certain, you know, so on and so forth because the system puts you in that position. And so there's a real strong chance you don't make it. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like that's why you said you had to get out of Chicago. He was like, I just. Yeah. A lot of rappers end up dying in their hometown where the like, you know, and I wouldn't call myself a rapper or people that are after me, but even like getting out of my hometown was super important because a lot of people that were my closest friends talked the most shit to me, put me down, family will put you down. You gotta get out of wherever you're from I think a lot of times because people there's something psychological about People want to remember you when they had power over you so like that's why family will talk to you like I've been doing music this long like people will talk to you like they did before you did music and they want to call you by Your name and and treat you like you this isn't a part of you. That's you know, when you can get a real job When are you gonna when you gonna finally grow up and you're like? Yeah, but that's what they say though. It's like you're not and I've seen it especially with hip -hop In music especially is that they don't like you in your in your hometown almost they don't want to support you a lot of people talk about this Phoenix though Well, it's not that they don't support you is just that there's a sense of entitlement. Mm -hmm. like you owe me something That and we know you know kind of yeah, yeah kind of like Jesus. Yeah, I'm saying like Jesus, you Joseph son. I've been seeing you. They know you as Jesus. We know you as little JJ. You know, JJ, they used to run around here, but they say like, I think people want to know you for your lowest moments almost where they have more power over you and they see you doing well and they're like, fuck that. I don't think it's I don't think it's that deep. I don't think it's I don't think it's that deep. You know, I think that as much as I want to feel like. And I have felt like as much as I want to feel like people don't support me because. they know me. And it's just the simple fact that they feel like they already supported you being a part of the story. I'm saying like already that the entitlement. Yeah, that they feel like it's like they already played the role of supporting you by being your friend. Just being a part of it. Yes. They are somewhere. Yeah. Witnessing around. Yeah. So witness. And then if you do end up blowing up, making a lot of money, they're like, remember when? You know, and I don't like I said, I don't think it's ill intended. No, no, I think I think it's natural human nature. Yeah, yeah. Natural, just subconscious. And like I said, it's from how the system developed our mind as a lot of system has a lot to do with how our mind is developed. I think it was you, I was watching one of your clips where you were talking about people are like, always like, what about black on black crime? And you're like, well, every other like race or whatever, like they, when they immigrated here, they still had their culture, like in their family and their sense of like who they were. Whereas you're saying like, like white people. You know, that's interesting, right? Like we didn't, we didn't immigrate here. Right, most didn't. I saw another good TikTok on it. It was like, some guy, some black dude talking, he was like talking about people from Africa, who were like, you know, just like any other country, were like merchants and traders. And he's like, how do you think Rome built itself back up again? Like there were people, there were black people in every country, like still doing business. Yeah, man, there's always been, the Moors, the Moors have always kind of been around, like. Like if you look at Russian literature, a black man actually started Russian, the Russian language, Russian literature. The Moors, the Moors were helping some of the Europeans during the dark ages when they would like have pigs and all kind of motherfuckers shit in their fucking houses and didn't take showers and shit like that. Like how the plague. The Moors, yeah, the Moors would show them like, yo, keep your keep your fucking farm animals outside. out of your house or you know, or don't throw shit in the streets. Toilet paper. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like literally dump shit like out of their fucking windows into the street. They did America. Yeah. A lot of people and this is not just with black people. There are people in every culture that want to have a sense of superiority. Of course, they want to feel like we the race. Yeah. You know, we don't we don't we the ones that you I'm saying. Yeah. And what people don't understand is like they try to make things a black and white thing. And like the reality is like, bro, you're not white. Well, that's a light ass brown. We're all brown people. You know what I'm saying? It's another, I think, concept also used like for power to make the poor people fight amongst each other. Right. That as well, the divide and conquer because they use that religion politics before race. The big thing was religion. You know, like religion used to be like they used to be the government. Yeah, we even in the US where it was like separation like that was a big thing why people came here they still have witch trials and still like yeah and Religion still plays a huge part religion. So that was my last college I went to was a religious school and I never really been religious I've been I didn't I wasn't raised in a church or anything doesn't mean I don't believe in God It just wasn't like a big part of my upbringing but then like hearing about it and she's like, that's because religion is more than whatever God you it's it's really your set of principles and what you Like why you would say this is a crime and this isn't or why this is wrong and it's right usually comes from your religion. That's what I think. And so you're like, it was like religion and conflict is so intertwined that it will never be separated because like, a lot of wars and stuff is based on people's religion, even like politics, you know, like stuff that can't be decided by facts or numbers is like, like, like abortion. It's like you either the people are either like super fucking against it or super for it for the most part. Yeah. And, you'll never agree on it. And so eventually that comes to a head where that impacts my beliefs and impacts your beliefs that the only way to do this is one of us has to die. Somebody got to die. Somebody got to go. You're like the baby's already dying and they're like, it was just a clump of silk. You know? Yeah, the other side of things is always just a part of life. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? Like you some of the things that people don't like are the things that That what is what makes life? What life is it's like you can't yeah You can't be a lot of human spend their lives chasing after pleasure while running away from pain and the reality is you Neither of them, they coexist. Well that's why the pharmaceutical market has made the biggest killing. And our whole medical system, people are so mad about getting free healthcare or not, but I'm like, what kind of healthcare are we really getting though? Because even if you have insurance, it doesn't ever cover the natural paths. Big Pharma has bought all of the fucking health care systems. They bought the education system too. Yeah, so it's like... They do all the they got all kind of shit that they do There's just so much shit that you just and everybody's saying it. So it's like what everybody's saying is like the fuck do We obviously Yeah, it's so weird out everything it's in our face. It's so normal now though, right? yeah, they killed that guy. It's like what like if you really sat back like took yourself out of everything you're like wait this is playing company just you'd be like bro like that is real fishy as fuck yeah but what are you gonna individually do about it Well, I think I think the biggest thing you can do is like how and where you spend your money Because like if the biggest thing you could do is educate yourself Well educate but then most important thing sure is to educate yourself and educate right the people around you and that's but that's like the That's like the it's like the Bible thing the faith without works is dead So it's like yeah, you got to read first to know what's going on But then you're like well if we just stop paying for this company shit or we just stop paying, you know for tax Then they wouldn't be able to be funded and it's really where you choose to spend your money. There's a lot of human beings though That's the thing. There's a lot of human. There's a lot of human beings So you're dealing with a lot of Totally too many different when that's that's ways of thinking that's what that under the same system That's what that that's what the century of the self documentary is so much about because like it talks about evolution of like people got savvy to what people were the marketers are trying to do to them, so they kept having to to readjust and it was like the next thing was, you know, let's appeal to the individual self and like how you want to be perceived and let's go to your ego. And then they got the science and numbers to break it down because we're not that special. There's about 24 different personality types, characters, and we're just gonna, we just know what these people want. And now it's to the point, now we're on social media. It's like the ads that you see are the ads that you would want to see. Anything that you're talking about. Anytime I've been into something business related or like, I need to get this or I need to learn how to do this all of a sudden getting ads on coaching courses Masterclasses on how to do this whatever. I'm whatever. I'm interested in at this time America is built on a deck of cards That's why there's so many instances where we bout to shut the fuck down It's about to go down like the 2008 shit like we need to get these motherfucking companies money give them whatever money they need to get their businesses back in order before shit is the fan. Right. Whatever you money, whatever money you need, we'll bail you out. So that's why that's why it's dumb when, you know, people who are there, they're gonna be on the conservative side. They're like, they start calling people a communist or something. But you're like, we're not capitalists, bro. We bailed out like eight of the biggest companies or however many of the biggest. And I don't know why they make the word communist. Such a bad fucking word, man. It's a market. I agree marketing. Yeah, it's only even marketing. Yeah Communism is so evil, but it's like yo communism is for the people like yeah, what then? Correct me if I'm wrong, but like the guy who wrote the book on it His whole thing was that we should be capitalists so everyone can figure out what they're good at and then you become communist So like you everybody does what they're good at and what they like to do? And then they're the best at it and that way everyone's doing because how many people are so mad like the people who I think I was talking about this with Brad on one of the episodes was the people who talk shit and like the comments and stuff and say mean things on on my post or something or any artist post is like people who at one point probably wanted to be an artist or something and they were just like I'm too scared and they went off and got a job but really Like nobody that works these big jobs loves their job. It's the simple fact that I can spend money in my community and it goes somewhere else out of my community. Yeah, what I'm saying. And that's the capital, a centralized banking system, this whole oppressive system like the labor. Like like our country was built by wealthy people. You know what I'm saying? In the benefit for anybody who is of that has wealth. You know what I'm saying? And so a lot of what's going on is really just like capitalism. I don't know, capitalism. It's not real capitalism because the real capitalism, if the companies failed, they don't get bailed out. Like you lost, it's over. So true capitalists would say. I'd say probably neo capitalism. Yeah, it's not. Right. It's a newer vert, like a newer. Once you get to a certain point, you're not allowed to fail. Yeah. Yeah. Like, we're Methodist Christians. We're not. No, we'll see. That's the we'll see. Here's the thing, though. Like as far as like people as far as like companies crashing and shit like that, like. Like when when we talk about wealthy people, people have a misunderstanding of who the wealthy people are. Sure. People. think Oprah's wealthy. It's it's people think people think Dr. Dre or Jay -Z or Kanye West. Who had that bit? Because he goes, I live next to Hall of Fame, NBA player. And other than that, it's a dentist. But all the black people on my street have like they're the best at what they do. But it's just because they're celebrities. We think, that's wealth. But it's like, no, no, no, no. Yeah. These guys live next to dentists. Yo, yeah. People with wealth. don't live next to nobody. Yeah. You don't you don't you don't know their name. They're not in. You don't know. You don't know. There's there's Internet blocks on them. Yeah. Yeah. You really think like you just search my name. So what you're saying is you're not going to find them on a Forbes list. What you're saying is they're lizards. All I'm saying is like like like there are things that we just don't know like well It's like think about think about if you were somebody who struck oil or any natural resource and you were able to capitalize on it meaning cap and and and and basically profit off of this natural resource since the beginning. Let's say since the beginning of this country and you cultivate about you cultivate an attitude that I'm better than you. Right. And think about your finding this. You're finding this natural resource during the time that the country don't even know what it is. So you're so all the money you're a billionaire during the time that a country ain't even like really built up yet. Yeah. So think about how many ties you and your family are going to have. So that's that's what the 17 or 1600s. That's what that's what essentially the self documentary talks about is they're like. The people are too dumb for true democracy. And so it was like the wealthy elites that got together and they're like, we have to make sure you think like, like the like, I think who was the Rockefellers for oil? Yeah, Rockefellers. Do you think the only thing they got was they were like, we're just going to just focus on not a crush. They are in every one of their investment, whatever it is there. Every single day you bring up the point in the world. I saw a tick tock that was like talking about these companies that are like. like the Ball Mason jars, like that company Ball. And a couple other ones, they've all gotten into the military game, like making weapons and shit. Because you're like, wow, what's going to make money in any time? War. So a lot of these companies, they even sold their, they're like, keep the brand, because that's what happens in corporations, keep the brand. But they sold bald jars to another company, but they got into making missiles and guns and shit. And it wasn't just them, but it was a bunch of these other companies that are like, You think they do this, but not where they make the money is here. Look, I feel like I feel like America is the modern day Roman Empire. For sure. for sure. Have you been to Vegas? It is it is on its way like we're a young ass country compared to all the other nations. We haven't figured out what we don't know yet. Yo, the revolution is on its way. It's just going to be a question of. Will the masses be in a position educational wise to be able to create a system that works? You know what I'm saying? Because for one, you can't get away with continuing to raise the price. Because the middle class is disappearing before our eyes. It's damn near almost gone. Well, it showed that. One of the big things, that's what happened in Germany, Nazi Germany. their inflation went insane. And then like before the wars and stuff, war is always what brings people back. That's what my point was. I was going to get to that point that that's what's going to happen. America is our government is going to find a way. So what they say that's going to be is the next one is going to be intergalactic because we know as humans, it's just like how they got the Bloods and Crips. like blood and crypt members to work together. It was like, how do you make them work together? Give them a common goal and make them achieve it together. Like a basketball team or anything. It's a common struggle. So bring humans together towards an enemy. They're going to make it, they said, intergalactic. So like we're against aliens now. You ever heard of, damn prison called Attica. Attica. Yeah. Attica? Where at? Yeah. Attica was upstate New York. Okay. Attica was a prison upstate New York in 1972. They had a riot and that's like all the all the movies you see where. Yeah. Odyssey. All the movies. Like they ran it for like. Yeah. All the movies that you be seeing where the prisoners run the prison is based on. Sure. Yeah. What they did and what happened was. their environment in that prison was so fucking horrible. Like they'd get like one little sheet of toilet paper a month. Yeah. Barely showers. Fucking letters would be thrown away or bleached out or blotted out or whatever the case may be. There were so many horrible conditions and it was being done to not only the black people, but it was just being everybody just the prisoners in general that it got so bad that it didn't matter whether you was black, white. Yeah. We got a comment like, bro, we can't wipe our ass. Yeah. That's like, I really don't. At this point. For the sake of our humanity. Yeah. We're going to put that shit to the side. I guarantee you, if you was a racist, then when you got out of that, you probably was like, man, like people ain't too bad because they was all kicking it. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? I mean, I got their own little sister. So I think it ended really horrible. But so do you think I'm trying to make is that it doesn't like right now it doesn't hurt enough yet. You know, middle class don't hurt enough yet. They still they houses. They still got a nice little house dog. Big ass monster truck in the driveway. Like it's not that bad yet. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? But once it gets to a point where that depression is for real. Mm hmm. It's up to the people at the top to figure out how to make us fight with each other. I feel like I didn't know that story about the prison thing, but I feel like now the stereotype on prison is that it is very racially divided and they're like, we got to bring racism back. Yeah. Well, they run America like a prison. Yeah. I'm saying they keep you divided. You know what I'm saying? They divide you by whether it's how it's almost predictable. I think when, especially like black versus white comes out, it's always during election year. It's always something with the police. It's like predictable now. Like I've been putting it together. I'm not gonna lie, it's been a while since I've seen. Yeah, it's coming. I believe it's coming. It's coming. That's crazy that it's coming. I feel like it is. Well, I'll tell you this though. They're like, we're getting too predictable. They're like anti -semitism. Give it a shot, dude. Like you never thought that that would ever come back. Antisemitism, yo. That's come back, that's come back hard, dude. It's hardcore, man. But that's biblical. It's not even coming back. It's always been around. Well, it's always been there, but like it's becoming, it's becoming okay again. Like where it was like for a long time, I was like, you can't say anything. I don't know, man. It's a little, it's a little bit too blatant though. Cause you don't want to be so blatant and out there that they figure it out. Cause now we're all like, this is a little too much now. Like, because you're starting to get that vibe where you're like people are equally like, it's a little extra with that one. You know what I'm saying? So, and I don't, you know what I'm saying? I don't want to say too much. I think it just depends where you're at too like if it's if you if you're living in a city or a culture that it's like we can all agree to protest this and we all feel comfortable enough okay cool so like like colleges where you see the most liberal shit I was like it's so funny too because I feel like the that young college like at one point I was kind of like that too like little People at that age group have this activism side in them that when you get to my age, I'm 30, I don't know how old you are, but I'm like, yeah, I don't got the energy to do that. I hope you guys are protesting the right things, but where the change is being made or thought process, it's like the colleges are like, you can openly be anti - Colleges have always been - You can be anti -Semitic, which is crazy. Always, always. It's just like, it's a - Like I didn't see that one coming back. I didn't see the band the band on abortions coming back and I didn't see anti -semitism coming back If you did a two -leg parlay on that I would have put everything on police brutality is that every election year did we're waiting for the big one? It's always something but again like Companies don't have a big big business don't care about none of that shit. They will finance both sides, right? Well, yes, whatever some more money at the time if hanging black people was popular They'd be selling Nike ropes. Maybe like they'd have a they have a rapper talking about it Bring them bring the hard are back dude, you can't like with the whole anti -sim like with Jewish the whole Jewish community like you can't be mad at the way they rally against anybody who sure who got something bad to say about them. If you say something bad, if we if if your culture could rally the same way, I'm sure you probably will. I think I think I would want my people to rally up against some some shit. That organized. It's like, man, might as well. But like every like every group of of people, there's always. People that feel like they're superior. There's people feel like they want to be. Yeah, they want to take control. You know what I'm saying? Like Jewish people aren't bad people, but they happen. Like Jewish people happen to go through what they went through. Well, if you during a very modern time. where that shit is. No. Yeah. Like had that shit happen with the whole Holocaust. Had that happen in like the 1400s? What did nobody would like? Did you like this? It looked like the Jews have always been that group that's outcasted. Yeah. But what I'm saying is like the world don't really look at it like at the time they look at it like, you know, we need to fight for them because it's wrong. Like otherwise they would have did that with slavery. You know, I should fucked up. That's like you guys seeing this? Yeah. So as time persisted, we're starting to see like, this is fucked. We're evolving mentally to know what's right and what's wrong more and more. More just having the scope. yeah. What I think I think. So when they when the Jewish people went through what they went through with the Holocaust, it was like the world was like, you know, that's why we need to get by. We need to save. But I've seen I've seen because that was some fucked up shit that they was going through. And so when they came to America, you know, say what you need. We got you. We got you. Because there was a point in time. Where even Jewish people even back then was like people didn't fuck with Jewish people. I'm saying it's It's always been a thing. It's all like since the beginning It's always been the Jewish people like they had to they had to take back their Holy Land So if you're biblical looking at it, you're like, Israel's their Holy Land. That's their whole thing That's what their whole basis of their beliefs is based on well, I mean Yes, it goes back to the fucking Philistines. Yeah. You can't overlook. Palestinian Philistines. You can't overlook that stuff. Even if even if you don't believe, even if you're an atheist and you don't believe in anything like the reason society is to operate the way they do is based on some. It's always it's been changed over time, but the fucking foundations of this book or whatever you base your whole. how I'm supposed to live my life off of. And so you're trying to fight with that and also think maybe we're God and there's no God. And so we're the ones in charge of thinking how things are supposed to be. It's always gonna end up in some sort of battle. But then there's also, we do know that financially there's motivations for there to be wars at all times and keep shit going. War is something that... the majority of people never want or agree to. It's something that that countries as a whole never want. It's always something that a few. Yeah. Narrate like like like they have to make something happen or something. Well, that's why in order for them to in like like like and try to. and try to they try to do something to try to persuade you that they got to go. Well, that's like America's next thing. You're talking about propaganda. Yeah. Like America's next thing is because every because everybody's fucking backing out of the dollar. Like America's in it like we're when it comes to financially. Yeah. Yeah. Like we're going backwards, even behind Russia. You know what I'm saying? And what's going to happen is America is going to try to convince its people we need to go to fucking war. And then once we go to war it might put things back on it even kill for Like I'm saying a little reset you remember that like fuck Owen the person we just will kill you Right, I sort it out. Yeah, like yo this we owe you what it always comes out of that just like the only reason the only reason is like that is because the position that we have on the on the globe sure, but that's like that's no different in like World War two We just sent, like we killed off a certain percentage of the entire world, like 20 % of the world's population died during that war. And it's like, well, there's that too. We could just do that. Yeah. So and then it's just like, like I said, our position on the globe is like perfect. But we don't we are like, we don't we perfectly set this motherfucker up. Yeah. Well, we are backed by two big ass oceans. You know, like, yo, you we know when you come in every single time we see you. So it's just like we can talk shit like are you over something? Seven billion trillion dollars. So what comes across the street? Somebody. I'm glad you won't. And you know that I need another. I know it was a big. Look, it's not even just the ocean. We're a big ass country. Yeah, we're fucking huge. You know what I'm saying? Like, and I hate when people try to. That's why I hate when people be like, the gun violence compared to France, bro, like. Yeah, you can compare the gun violence for friends like maybe Rhode Island or something like New Jersey. I know, but you want to but you want to compare the gun violence or France to America like what the fuck is like you ever talk about you ever see when they talk about how like the world map isn't really like the real world map. It's like not size right. Maybe. I don't know. I've heard that before. I've heard. Well, yeah, dude, that's the thing where you learn. The more you learn, the more you learn, the less. You know, you know, like, you're like, I don't know anything. I can't prove that the map is the map. I don't like that's why I love saying all I know is I don't know. Yeah. Because even the shit that I'm saying, right. All the information that I have right now could just be wrong. And I tell people just like it. Aliens land tomorrow. And you're like, well, goddamn, if it makes sense, they've been here 50 years. If it makes sense. Hey, take it. You know what I'm saying? With the information I have, if it makes sense. Yeah, that's why you know what you know. that you've maybe gone through, but everything else is all from books or something that you're trusting that this is somebody. Yeah, whoever wrote this book, man, I hope they really got the information right. Whoever write a book on me, man, I really hope you get the information right. Every every good book I'd get not every good nonfiction book is trying to sell you something. What do you think about the Bible? The Bible is. It's written, but like we also don't know the translations of it, when it was actually written, who wrote it, who ripped some pages out and said, this is the Bible now. I totally get that. You know, like I'm there too, but I think I have two sides of it. I have the side like where like I've read so much shit where it's like, yo. It's a lot of shit that got thrown in here. Yeah, but then there's the side where I've actually studied the Bible I'm talking about years of actually studying it and it's like the principles and the ideology of some of the things that they teach the parables like hmm that shit is there's no getting away from like How that book really can teach you about life and love it's one of the most it's probably the most important Piece of literature in Western culture. Yeah, well you know And that's why everything is tied to somebody's religion. But then you meet somebody that's like, the Bible, what the fuck is that? I got this piece of information. And then that's what they go off of. And then we are technically a separation of church and state, country, so you can't teach it. Great setup for the devil, dude. Whoa, we can't do this. Who's the devil? anything as bad, what you would consider bad. But I feel like inherently as people, we usually do you think that there is a, do you believe there is an entity like an actual devil guy? I don't. Right. I think it's just I don't think I think that's just how they wanted to conceptualize it Yeah, like you know, like how do you describe that cuz how do you describe God cuz you know, I describe God creating the enemy Yeah, you know I mean like I'm a thumb down there to make shit weird for y 'all. Yeah, you gonna believe in God, but I'm gonna put him in there I've always always harder for you to believe in God. He's gonna fuck with you I always felt like I was like God and the devil, the concept was really like divorced parents. Like, you know what I mean? Like most of the time I believe there's a creator because I just don't believe. But is there a destroyer? I believe there's a creator. Fucking yin and the yang fucking shit is just crazy Life is just fucking crazy. I was not like doesn't make any sense the way the fucking brain works Like all the details of everything on this earth alone Yeah, it's fucking crazy for it to just like for me to like for me to have a system where I just eat and then digest That's what I think Kat was on the It's either Joe Rogan or I think it was the Joe Rogan podcast, but he was just like it's everything set up to perfectly. for there to not be a creator. You can't just pop up with a fucking human. And not only a human, but a system for the human. Yeah. And not only for a system for the human, but an actual environment that the human can live in. There's so many little small details and specks that make up just oxygen, just breathing oxygen. Yeah, like what? Yeah. How'd you think of that? Right. So it's just like, bro, like there has to be a creator. There has to be. There has to be. Sure. But maybe maybe like maybe the creation, maybe everything the creator wanted us to know is just coming out of the creation itself. That just makes it. It's weird in itself. Somebody said the brain named itself. I was like, I guess this I guess is why the I don't know. shit! shit, that's a mindfuck. That's a mindfuck. The brain named itself. Did you know what he said? It was actually Brian, but fuck him. They fucked it up. The brain named itself. And then it's just like, like, like, like, like Earth has existed for like... Billions of years or so you say there's scientific But yeah, but like sure I mean, I don't know enough to question them or I can question them, but I don't know I totally get that. Yeah, you really don't know more more than likely Honestly if you ask my mom life started when I was born That's true. So look, all I'm saying is like, I don't think God. This guy's just crazy, man. We don't know. And I remember my friend told me that, he goes, when you realize that like, this world is like this big scary thing you know nothing about, it's really frightening until you get past that, then it's really freeing. Cause you realize you have no idea and you can't change it anyways. Yeah, yeah. It's really a world of fuck around and find out. What if the whole universe needs to be created for Earth to work? Yeah, just for the one thing. Just for that one. Just for that one planet to work and how egotistical of us to think. Yeah. Well, I mean, we got nothing to compare it to. We're like, fuck, we're the ones. If you look around on the block, you're like, man, I'm the one. Fucking comparison is the thief of joy. No proof of aliens. No, but it depends who you ask. Depends who you ask. Depends who you ask. And there's a lot of there's supposedly somebody would have. So we would have all the years that we've existed. We've had we'd have some. I mean maybe they do but they're just not putting it out there I think there's CIA documents that you could like gotta read through them but you could see it extraterrestrial I don't believe it. I think I think I think UFOs are exactly what they are. It's just these identified objects that you trying to test them out a drone. You said you don't believe it, but that doesn't mean that it's not true. But it's a possibility. Right. I think that's the thing that's definitely a possibility. I think that's the thing that I could relate on. I'm not going to say that what I'm saying is a fact. It's really people's ability to be like, yeah, maybe. I don't really know. You know, but. But some people are like, I can't live with, I need an answer. And so the answer is whatever. Some people, some people are really just. We've got like technology that's just been like out in space floating and shit. Just like looking at looking for shit for the past like years. Maybe. So I was watching a couple of months ago, it was either a couple or a few months ago, because they have, I think it's the Space Odyssey or something, where they have this camera, that's just been... yeah, they launched like forever ago. And it's just been cold, and somebody pushed the wrong button, and like... And now like they can't see shit on the camera. I'm like, it was the fucking imagine doing that. Like imagine like accidentally pushing the wrong button on the fucking space on the lifetime space camera. It was the intern. shit. So now we run the board. You spent six years in fucking college and you didn't turn the button on. Yeah, but that's why I definitely believe there's a creator because it's just too much. There's too much going on. It's too organized and just too put together. You know what I'm saying? Too well put together. Yeah, and there's so many people that don't believe that. And then you also have to coexist with them. And, you know, people's morals and what they believe in is like, yeah, slowly changes. And one would say that that's... you know, evil working or the devil at work. Because when you're unevolved, you you know, you you you think of things like the afterlife, like heaven, you think of the places like that is like sure, like after the struggle, you don't struggle no more. But then you evolve and you get information and you like, damn, like. Struggle made the pleasure. I'm saying it made like like straight that you can't have pleasure without the pain So it's like if that's the case if that's the case What the fuck how the heaven is how the hell is heaven just someplace where everything is perfect? It was a fucking thing we put together to make sure that you guys listen to us and if we said it with enough confidence I think it was logistic people that were insecure about their afterlife and yeah, just create Sure, you know sure sure create things based on our insecurities That's why it's interesting looking at other religions like aliens know like like Eastern Eastern philosophy the yin and the yang you're like that's no different or like Buddhism's like it's all about this constant cycle of suffering and you get to nirvana once you hit some sort of Realization about it and it's like they're more practice -based They're more practice-based how you live and then there's others that are focused on This is just a test and hopefully I pass the test Yeah, I meant like mentally and some people are like I'm the chosen one. I don't have to follow the rules of the test I'm already in cuz my dad works there and you know, he's a kid. He thought you know, heaven was like, yeah on top of the clouds Yeah, like you die and then you go to you go there you go to the top of the earth You just chill there. You just chill like clouds and shit. You know what I'm saying? Like fucking Hercules. But like, I don't know, man. I don't know if you turn into space matter. Hmm. I don't know what the fuck you turn into, because I don't know if you come back to Earth. Yeah, because I believe that Earth is just based on the science is getting further and further away from the sun. And so like, because the universe is expanding. Okay, it's expanding it was like. It just expands. So like what they believe, like Mars used to be right here. Like we're in a sweet spot, they're saying. So you're saying - And like Mars used to be here at one point in time. And like it wouldn't be a bad thing to colonize another planet. Colonizing now is a bad word, but if it was another planet, then you're like, yeah. We should definitely do that, dude. Yo, if there is another planet and we find it. I just hope we don't find it. We don't deserve it. If there's another planet, if there's another what I'm saying is if there's another society of people somewhere, I hope we don't find it. But what if you find out we're going to fucking colonize? the shit out of it. What if we did? We're going to be OK with it. What if we just how much money we can make off these people, man? What if we just what if we don't even know about what a dollar is? Man, we could give them a dollar. Tell them a dollar is worth something. Go there and run it by just inventing Coca-Cola, bro. Right. These people butt ass naked. You start giving them clothes and shit like you got to wear these and you got to pay pay to wear them. And you need to work for me. And you got to work to get the money to get the clothes that you need. Right. If we didn't like that's and that's like that's what it goes to the Bible. Like when you when you go to Adam and Eve, what did the serpent really tempt them with? What did the serpent what did the serpent tempt them with? Forbidden breaking the rules breaking the rules. No, he tempted them with knowledge. yeah. yeah. Yeah. You know everything God knows exactly. And he was like, no, no, no, no. Fuck. You saw my search history. No. So it's like so it's like because because because because when they ate of it, God didn't say anything. He has something to say. He didn't say any. He didn't. When they ate of the fruit, he did not say anything right then and there. No. Well, he didn't say nothing until they started what? Getting some clothes. So they started doing all this other. you started like that. He started seeing them do shit. They like what the who said you needed clothes. What? you know that you are. You didn't got some information that you because knowledge is just. I feel like knowledge is what what killed cuz once you got once you got knowledge You got fear and once you got fear you got death Mmm, yeah, I'm Sam And if we if we'd never had knowledge in the first place, we'd probably be fucking eaten and just happy. Well, that's so that's not giving a fuck about. You ever seen the ever not every day person that doesn't care about stupid people. So if you say like, it's just me fucking happy for. Look at the fucking rock. Look at the 50 hours this week. But you know, I don't think. Yeah. It's a football game though. Like damn. Religious religious people. The problem with religious people is they like to take science out of the equation. And that's the problem. You got to like, like maybe maybe we did come from fucking monkeys. You know, it's a really strong possibility that we came from monkeys. But if we did, it's still under the scope and process of how he created. It goes back to the fucking Bible, bro. That's why I love the Bible, because like when you really read the detail of it, like when God created the Garden of Eden, it didn't say he just poofed it. Yeah. It said he grew the Garden of Eden. Would you say? Would you watered it? It was like. So would you say I got to come back? I'll check on you guys later. This is God that God sat and wait for this fucking flower to fucking come out of the ground, like watered it and went through the process of it. So you don't think that this crazy ass fucking human body that we have didn't have. a process but I would yeah dude that'd be a great like motivational speech from a coach to somebody just like you don't think God not waiting on you he waiting on you to grow he giving you all the tools and sunlight you need have you have you heard the top dog law commercials my god He bro, so it's a it's an injury attorney, but he was like he was like hip hop artists to do like his commercials and shit They're getting out of hand real I was listening to one. He's like they say dogfighting illegal We got someone who begs to differ top dog Top dog gonna get you top dollar. Yeah, you want to change your life you got an accident? And I'm like where's this guy from of course from Florida Florida shit But I was gonna ask you you time out you're talking about the details of the Bible doesn't say is the devil in the details I Feel like the devil is a reflection of of us. Yeah, what we and then maybe that's what I mean. Like maybe maybe we're always meant to evolve. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like we're always meant to. That's the point of like humanity. That's how we figure out language. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. And then like, what do we put this all together? And then you make the noise hurt hurt hurt every time something hurts. Something like bad happens. So we will call that hurt. But then like but then like some dude in a full out tailored suit pulls up in a car and it's like you ever seen one of these like what? And boom evolved. Where there's like those civilizations that still exist right where they're like. Basically fucking cavemen. Look man, everything we've thought about we've created. And still creating. Well, I think, I think, one of the best, one of the best things is one of the religion classes I took. We brought in a new speaker every week. It's all different religions every week. And we had to basically sum up each religion in one to two sentences. And the Christianity one was accepting that we're all sinners and Jesus died to save us. And that's. That's why we're good. So if you accept him, then you're good. And so that's that's why people be like, you know, certainly Catholic, like the traditional Catholic, the confession, like just feeling super guilty about everything you did. That's why they have that all set up. But that's the see, that's the thing. The same the same Bible also taught me that they see Jesus all wrong. Like Jesus wasn't here to. Save us from sin. He was here to say he came to save us from our own fucking mental. Mm -hmm Condemption sure, you know I'm saying yes, because when you read the Bible the Bible says that the law which is the the commandments from Moses the law was designed to show you how Sinful you were but it was never designed to condemn you sure. So that's just simply God showing you look Let me humble you because you feel like y'all feel like y 'all just Perfect better than and you know, I'm saying y 'all feel like y 'all just a shit. So let me actually show y 'all Let me show you your search. Actually, let me show you Let me let me humble you but it wasn't meant To condemn you like you do this and I love you where you do this and you get in the heaven So that when you read the Bible, it's always God trying to get people you would say people Would you say it's the funny truth what that that? What you just said, God is always trying to get people to love each other. Yeah. That's the funny truth. But people, people don't like being called out for what they know is wrong. Yeah. You know, some people are a little bit more emotionally intelligent and can be like, yeah, you right. But most, most of the time it turns into like, yeah, well your fucking hairline sucks. And it's like. It just turns into that. Yeah, man. Somebody got to go. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I mean. The whole concept of heaven and hell has to come from some kind of superiority, because to say that one person can make it to heaven and not and some other person can't means that you can earn your way or work your way into heaven. And the Bible itself. says that you can't do that. I've read that book so many times that I know that a lot of the way religion portrays the Bible is and portrays God is completely wrong. But could you say that that's just a general outlook for life? Like people are born with like, you're not shit, you're never gonna be shit. So just do do this. Because they used to have religion like the Calvinism. That was a big one was like predetermination. So they're like, yeah, we're going but you doesn't matter what you do. You're predetermined like you're you're not going to heaven. Yeah. Well, we kind of want like, I don't know, man. People just because at one point in time, I used to always feel like because I was like because I was like, you know, wise at a young age and stuff like that. I've always there was a point that I felt like I had a superior. Sure. I was elite or like like like I'm special. Like I really believe God. Or endang me or or made it away from me to lead people and this that in the third and reality of these are just things that I want to do personally like God don't want me to be a fucking rapper like yeah, it's just something I like yeah, right Like people be like well, you know like like I pray for it You know people be praying for certain materials and houses and shit like that and maybe you know I'm saying thinking that you know, I'm saying like I brought you. You couldn't afford the house when you bought it. And now you now you want God to help you keep up with the house. Sounds like a you problem. That's a you problem because in reality, God ain't even start life off with clothes. He starts you off with clothes like like what do you know about your mortgage? What do you think God thinks you need? Because God don't anything other than what you're supposed to have is greed. If you want a house full of groceries, That's greed. You want a bigger house or another room? That's greed. It's all these are things that you just you know, it's it's OK, I guess. You know, it's a little something, but don't make it seem like I got to pray for these things. So that's what God wants me to have a better life. Well, what is a better life? That's what the that's what a better life is. You simply being around people that love you. You have a son to eat. You have a fucking roof over your head. And you probably don't even need a roof over your head. Probably not. Because there was a point in time people didn't have roofs over their head. People didn't have clothes. You know what I'm saying? It's just like, yo, like, do you really think God is about to make sure you got a wardrobe full of fucking clothes or, you know, all the things that you just, that you know, all of these things that you want are things that you want. The only person that can do that is the devil, dude. Yeah, the devil, man. The devil gets you, the devil puts you in that product, dude. Gets you anything you want. Yeah, the devil and God, they had this meeting like every week. They go over all the people that hey, I heard that God we need to test him a little harder. We're gonna give him cancer Fuck it. Well, like that's when you get the people like God gave me he gave me this sickness To humble be like people find these secure. They're looking for security for I mean, that's it It's just just to calm the masses. Yeah and like control There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong. I don't think it's to control because I think these people genuinely wrote what was written. I just think it was in the perception of what they knew in their time. So if you. Felt like God blocked the sun. We know that now is an eclipse. Yeah. Or like it didn't. That story is so funny. It didn't. It didn't rain for like six months. Well, maybe like it was like a really long summer. You know, you didn't call it summer or maybe you just happen to be in a part of the fucking globe where like the earth is doing what it's doing. This is so many. I just feel like it's what like the devil was looking at me in my eye. Like, he had autism. You know I'm saying like you just happen to have to see somebody with autism or a mental problem like and you call them and you call them the devil You know what I'm saying? So it's just like it was just their perception at the time But I feel like there's nothing you can say about the principles of that sure sure like giving you shall receive Yeah, or like you know I'm saying good principles in there. It's like doesn't think I know just good Yeah, and you know this ain't no just good. Just good principle. These are principles of Yeah, absolutely. But none of them are fun to follow. That's the problem. They're not fun to follow. They're also everyone would follow up giving you shall receive. Yeah, fuck that. That's that's fucked that because of the society. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Values as I was saying program. Yeah, nothing is. But I'm saying for what it is and if it was set, there was a system set up where everybody was giving each other shit. That's yeah. Nobody would have. That's what the capitalism is. And then it turns into communist because everyone, the guy who likes to bake figures out that he likes to bake and he's a baker. And that's a very good useful skill to have in this community. He does the baking. Nobody else really wants to do it because they're doing what they want to do. So you have equally distributed time spent building your community and people don't hate their job. They love what they do. Cap capitalism. is like I said, it's not what people think. Capitalism isn't simply you like you're you're you're you be you having a fucking you having a fucking clothes. Would you would you say that it's listen, you have been a fucking clothes brand or a fucking, you know, like like. clothes store or something. God wanted to have it. Doesn't make you a capitalist. Sure. Yeah. You know, that's not capital. You don't have capital. Where's your capital? Capital is gone. What capital can you really capitalize on? Yeah. Today. You know what I'm saying? Oil is gone. Rubbers. Like there are families that I think I think you've said it. Knowledge. People. People think people think like Nike is wealthy. Nike's not wealthy. Yeah, the person that like owns rubber owns rubber. Yeah There's a family that owns rubber or owns like a body of water. You know owns cotton Like that's what I mean by Cat like the capitalists. Yeah are the fucking CEOs of Nike or like these are still small It's the people you never gonna hear about the 1 % of the world. The 1 % of the 1%. Right. Yeah, there's there's there's there's the 1 % and then there's the so that's why when people be like, yeah, capitalism could work. It's like, no, you have a wrong idea of what capitalism is. But it's like you said about the Bible, right? Like there's the foundations of it. But then there's all these other perceptions of what it like is. OK, so like so like when they created when the wealthy created this system. Because those were the ones who created America, were the wealthy, were the wealthy people. When they created the country, they made sure they made a system that was beneficial. to other wealthy people. So in order for that to happen, we have to make sure we create a labor system where people are, you know what I'm saying, are getting paid lower than the value of their labor. Have you ever read the Willie Lynch letter? I don't know if that's true or not, if the Willie Lynch letter is true because... There's no real proof that that letter was true. But a lot of the things out of it, the latest copy that they have was made in like 1970s. Sure. Sure. But I feel like I feel like it sounded good. I read it. Yeah. So it sounded like a lot of stuff. It was pretty broken down. Yeah. It looked like a dude that's just a consultant. It's like, you want to. if I can build this plantation or not, you know, and don't care. I'm here, I'm getting paid for my speech and I'm out of here. I'm back to England. But it seemed, a lot of the principles from that book is like, you see it, I feel like in modern day, like tearing apart the mom and the dad and making the female basically raise the kids on a weak system, can't rely on the male cause he's not the strength cause we watched him. get tarred and feathered and torn apart with two legs. Could be a parable metaphor, but still like you see that so much now. Like if you are a guy in most cases, if you're not the way the world is, it's not really set up like that anymore, but it still traditionally feels like in women's mind, like the guy's the provider. He needs to have this and he needs to make the money. And if you're not, you're not shit. And then that's kind of what people will raise weak -minded kids because there's no, and they're relying on the master, the system basically, that they never get to see. They never see that person, never interact with them. So there's just, and then the people running the plantation are the white people, but they're kind of slaves too. They're just. They live a little more. Yeah, they live a little serious. They live with a little more privileges. That's the Nike people. Yeah, that's the Nike people. Those are like the Nikes, the people who are really, really rich. Those are the people that are making sure that the system continues. Yeah, they don't even know they're in the system either. They're just playing. It just works for them. Yeah, I just go along with how every one. And then the person on the disadvantaged side of the system thinks, And if I just get to that spot, it's gonna be better It's gonna be a better life and you get a job in banking and you're like fuck this You think a college degree is so valuable for what? And that's yeah, and that's a word. That's that's my job I'm trying to get people to understand that get away from the religion Fight get away from the racism fight get away from the whole black and white thing like get away from that as much as possible. Yeah and understand that The problem is capitalism. The problem is oppression. The problem is, you know what I'm saying, the system that we live in. The problem is rich versus poor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, why are you doing all this extra stuff for what? Have you ever sat and thought about that? But that's the thing, like you said, there's so many people. It's the whole system. The whole system has to go. And all we've been doing is reforming. And all reforming is, it's like the foundation is rotten as fuck. Like the whole building was built on a rotten foundation. And reforming is just like, we're going to add some windows, add some windows, change the paint. And a room falling down, it's going to completely, it's going to the whole system. You're saying you're saying that's why we have a problem with our bandaid fixes. That's why we have a problem with our police system. Like how was like, where did the police come from? Well, they're not, I don't know the answer to that, but they're protecting a certain. They're protecting property. Yeah, exactly. The police started when the slaves were running out of the plant, starting to run out of the plantations. And so they had to figure out some kind of system in order to keep them, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. To police them. So they created, you know what I'm saying? They created the police to protect the property. Yeah. Yeah. another gang. Exactly. That's all the police are. They're not there for your interest or my interest. The problem already happened when they got there. They didn't prevent it. You know what's interesting? You know what's interesting is like, I can't remember what I was watching, but like, okay, when they're like, okay, you're free, you're no longer slaves, but like, where are you going to work? And then just like it never really stopped. It was just like, okay now now you get paid a lot less money and you know that to live your life, but you still have to go do shit 12 hours a day sometimes and they're like, okay We'll reform to you have to be 16 and you can only work this many everything else is over time like but meanwhile There's other white people during that time that's getting just as screwed over. yeah, they just don't look as bad as them. Yeah, but they getting just screwed over they're just they're just being they're just being painted like yo you're not the Negros young with them though you know don't worry you're still gonna get to do certain still look no no you you you you you getting fucked over too what I'm saying so there was always that sense of yeah making it seem like y'all ain't slaves but Y 'all slaves. That's a perfect thing to do. You're slaves but you're not slaves. We call it something different now. You're slaves but you're not a negro slave. You're working class. Exactly. And who do you think really gave slaves more of a problem when they were set free? poor white people. Because the stigma was put in their head. They're less than nothing, or all the articles that they read. You know what I'm saying? Because there were so many articles, there was so much propaganda that was printed in order to, because the rest of the world was already like, yo, getting out of the slave business. You know, France, everybody was getting out of that, like, yo, we, and that's when they started making it sanctions. But China was like, what's up? We just get started. They double down. They was late to the party. They was late. They was like, damn, why we ain't know about this shit? This shit is easy. And then, but like... Still slaving people in Africa to this day. But like, if you look at it from the corporation standpoint, where there's no feelings, it's all be profitable or not. And here's the worst part. They figured out how to make the slave slave himself. Yes. Yes. That's the part. OK. You know what to work. All right. You really. You ain't got no place to live. You might have to just come on over here, sell your labor for cheap. I think one of the best parts of the Willie Lynch later that was like mind blowing to me was, you know, when they bring the people in to the plantations, you know, starting with the newest, you know, the babies, the younger generation, like break them of their language. How can you even communicate? Yo, this is bullshit. If you don't know, yo, this is bullshit. And that's the part I don't understand because a lot of the slaves that they had and captured, they were able to do that so well. because a lot of the slaves were from so many different cultures and different languages and different ways. So it's like prison. It wasn't like they came in as like, like, you know, like you my cousin, like immigrants. You know what I'm saying? Like, no, they came in separated. So that's why I'm like, I don't know about that part because they didn't know each other at all. Right. So then, so yeah, then even easier, break them up their languages. Like how can you communicate with someone and be like, we got to do something about this. If you can't even form, the thought or the words to say that and then you see someone who maybe rebels but nobody else goes with them and you're like I don't want that to happen to me. Yeah. And then you're just like I'm gonna just do this and it's like fucking disgusting but you're like genius like I never even thought about taking away people's ability to communicate with each other but I hate to say this and I love to say this at the same time but black people need to let racism go specifically. Sure. Black people need to let racism go. They need to let this idea go that slavery was personal. They need to let this idea go that like. you know, because a lot of a lot of black people have it in their minds that, you know, some white guys just came to Africa and started smashing up Africans. It's an easier way to think because like if something's not going right for you, you could just be like, it's their fault. Instead of being, instead of like we were saying earlier, like owning, like if they show you, hey, here's all what you did wrong, owning it and be like, okay, you're right. I fucked up or have an accountability and like everyone goes with their own situation, but like having the thought process to be accountable, even you're like, I know it's bullshit. This is not fair. Yeah. Cause I think it's easy to do it. I don't, I don't subscribe to like the a hundred percent motivational stuff that people say. Cause I'm like, no, there's a lot of unfair things that go on. Like there's, how am I going to catch up to this guy? How are we going to get to this and not have to worry about this? Like, yes, but it's easier to sleep at night when you can be accountable. It's easier to live life blaming, but like that doesn't, nobody really is going to do anything for you when you do that. Like, but I think a lot of what politics will do is like, you've been wronged as a Democrat party. You've been wronged. We're going to do this for you. Yeah, man. All of that whole, yeah, man. It's, it's. And it's funny, like the different types of racism that you see, because most people are in the middle, right? They're just always going to point out the extreme things. There's the liberal side of racism that's like, like one of the dumbest things to me coming from Oregon was that they were like, the governor was big on like, black people, you know, like needing an ID to vote is racist. And like 75 % of black people said, no, it's not. No, I get that. That makes sense. You should probably prove you're an American citizen, but like they're speaking on their behalf like this is racist and then this whole group of people is like, yeah, these people can't think for themselves. They're stupid. And another side is like the way they will portray a racist like a hillbilly fucking, you know, that type of shit. But really everyone's kind of just like, yo, can we just fucking worry about what's more important? Like. Cause everyone's got their own individual problems. Like it's not enough to worry about every rate and make sure that they feel good. It's like, bro, I'm cool, but fuck I gotta eat too. Yeah, we gotta eat man. I gotta eat, or you have kids, if you have family, like that's - You gotta live man. You have the right to everything that allows you to be a human. Yeah. Breathe. Fucking shelter. Yeah food. Yeah, we're just gonna slip in a little taxes for your protection. I Should the only the only thing I should be paying for food is my labor. I should be growing that shit. Yeah I shouldn't be I shouldn't I saw I shouldn't starve Because there's no I a human being should not starve. They shouldn't You know, it's you know, it's not solid dude like how restaurant cuz capitalism restaurant just throws away food at the end of the night things like that one thing I was gonna say it was like hilarious to me was It was a TikTok, but it was like something about the FDA was like starting to say like, hey, if you're growing a garden, even if it's in your backyard, like you have to report it. It was like, it was like the meme of like, no, I don't think I will. Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna report that. Yeah, like, come on, man. Like, that's what I'm saying. Like a lot of the shit that we should, that we're trying to maintain and pay and toil for are things that are, we should have a human right? We shouldn't already have access to that. Shouldn't be like all you have to pay a fee shelter. I shouldn't like all the fees and taxes should only be To help those that are struggling to keep up with whatever is going on When usually that's if you see homeless people if you see if you see homeless people they're usually Because even if you're broke like you can figure out a way to get somewhere to live but like the homeless people that are homeless well homeless people are all only exists because people exist. Well, but they're like usually mentally ill and we used to have places for them, but you're like, fuck that. What if we could cut that tax and put it towards, you know, things that make us more money. They're like, fuck yeah, dude. You know, so I think with you were talking about where it should go to the people who need it is like, well, people who aren't maybe in touch with the actual reality that's happening, then that's probably the people that are mentally ill, like yelling at traffic and stuff. And they used to have places for them. But then why are they mentally ill? Some of it like a lot of a lot. Sure. Our poor decisions and our poor thinking is due to poor living. Poor living. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you're constantly in survival mode, that's where... Yeah, man. You're raised by frustrated parenting. You're raised by the American values. That's why I tell people all the time, like, you're not influenced by your parents. You're influenced by American values. You know what I'm saying? You're influenced by your... country's values. You know what I'm saying? Who taught your mama or your dad to hustle? You know what I'm saying? Whatever society, you know what I'm saying, made them do, that's how they ended up being who they are. You know what I mean? So you're influenced by your country's values at the end of the day, if you're not in a evolving position where you know you're programmed, and now you're in a movement to deprogramming. social media has done a great job of bringing that like you can everything's just so accessible or you know I've found like over my time I'm just not asking the right questions because usually the information is out there right you just haven't evolved to ask the question of how do I do this and then it's actually here's a 10 -page document that shows you all the revolutions that have happened in the world we have never had this much access to information to each other to And to each other, you know, we know so much about each other Yeah, so if some if something the word can get out, you know what I mean? And like like like nobody's perfect. Nobody's perfect and that goes for wealthy people Like there's really big chances that these wealthy people screw up somebody in a family screw up Somebody getting caught doing some dumb shit and you have to pull a Jeffrey Epstein and kill him There are too many good people looking for the bullshit. Too many good journalists out there. You know what I'm saying? There are too many people that are out there doing their job as a human being to make sure that justice is served. Yeah, and so they don't end up being a name you know. You can't give up. You can't give up hope and think just evil is just going to prevail. At the end of the day, you gotta have hope in humanity because it always happens. The masses always figures out how to come together. You just hope that you're alive for it. That and you just hope that you have the right education to create something because you end up in a situation where like fucking Haiti, you know what I'm saying? Haiti had that revolution, but that revolution was led by... a tyrant, you know what I'm saying? These people get into these positions at the right intention, but they never figured out themselves. So let's say I got a greedy money problem, but I'm an activist, you know what I'm saying? And then all of a sudden I get this fame, I'm like this, you know what I'm saying? And then bam, some fucking. accusation of me stealing money because I'd never dealt with me being greedy or I'd never dealt with me being abusive or I never dealt with me being controlling or I never dealt with these certain aspects. So when this fame blows me up, now I'm really not going to deal with it because it's just, and then it's going to get into fucking up the revolution. It's what you said of these record labels and things that will recruit somebody. They know that. They know that. They know he has unresolved trauma. yeah. Yeah, they know. They know on a scientific level. That's what I'm saying. It's like, how do you how do you think prison cells are created? Yeah. You think they just make a guess? They just be like, how many cells do you think we should try? Trial and error. No pun. No, they literally make they make prison cells based on. graduations and non graduations of certain high schools and communities that you know. yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like the breakdown, like statistically, these motherfuckers already know. Yeah. So they run that man. They know like, let me put it in my Excel spreadsheet. You need to make another prison. We're about to get about we're about to get about 500 more. Right. To have a boom in 2000 and such and such because of such and such as in this. They know things from a statistic statistical standpoint. These motherfuckers get paid. Yeah. To get paid. Right. But we're at like an hour and 40, so let's land it here. Let's land it. Let's land it. Yeah. Crazy conversation that we got into. Yeah. Yeah. It always happens like that with me. I love that. That's why I brought you on. I've seen you. I was like, yeah, we'll go. We'll talk about your music, but we'll probably end up going crazy. Full force into something. Full retard, dude. But at the end of the day, we know nothing. Yeah. Yeah, we know nothing. Yeah, all I know is I don't know. Anything that I always tell people, anything that I say, if it makes sense, go do your research on it. Yeah. And figure it out for yourself till it makes sense to you. And then maybe you come back and add something to what I had. Where can people follow you at? They can follow me on Instagram, but it's easy to just go to feelamusic .com. I know. That's where you can kind of get all my social media, music, YouTube, everything. It'll be in the show notes. Yeah. FilaMusic .com. F -E -L -A music dot com. Bam! That's how that's easy. There we go. Yeah. Appreciate you. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode with Fila Eniko. If you want to follow him on any social media, it is Fila Eniko. F -E -L -A I -N -I -K -O. And it's also in the show notes. and check out his music at Fela Music, it's F -E -L -A, music .com. Please remember to subscribe to the podcast wherever you get your podcasts and be really helpful if you left us a review. Let us know what you want us to do to make the show better. Thank you so much for listening. This is a funny truth podcast with Adam J. That is the funny truth.